

This is the homepage of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Pécs, Hungary.
We hope, you can find us and spend a blessed time in worship and community.
Here is some important information about the congregation and its life:

Sabbath worships
Sabbath school:  9:30-10:30
Worship: 11:00-12:00 (Lord’s Supper is on the first sabbath of every quarter. Some sabbaths we have potluck lunch.)

Postal Address: 7630-Pécs, Buzsáki Imre utca 5.
E-mail: pecsi.adventista.gyulekezet(at)gmail.com 
By car: Reach the east end of Pécs, where Route 6 and the road towards Komló cross. From route 6 turn into Buzsáki street at the corner of the BMW schowroom. You will recognize the building, that is visible from Route 6.
By bus: take 2, 2/a, 11, 12, 13, 13/a, 113, 14, 15, 16, 60 busses till “Budai állomás” endstation than continue toward east/Budapest on Route 6. After reaching the BMW schowroom, you will recognize the building, that is visible from Route 6.
